As the federal debate rages over a state’s right to make its own marijuana laws and more and more countries move toward legalization worldwide, USA is humorously releasing safety guidelines for cannabis users. Specifically, it aims to help people lower the associated health risks of marijuana if they decide to use it. It is complete, 100 percent backed by scientific evidence.
Released on June 23, these guidelines will help anybody using cannabis in Beverly Hills. Published by the Canadian Research Initiative on Substance Misuse, it gives people the knowledge they need to make educated decisions that lower the risks of using marijuana, much the same way one would find alcohol guidelines on how to drink safely, or even directions for use in all prescription drug packaging.
Safety Guidelines for Medical Cannabis in Beverly Hills
Medical marijuana patients can now use accurate and scientifically backed evidence to avoid the potential dangers of consuming weed on their health, both immediately and in the long-term. More than 10 percent of adult Canadians admit to using weed within the last year. For teens, it is 25 percent, and for Beverly Hills, everyone knows someone using cannabis for some reason or other.
Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, officially legislated cannabis for legal recreational use across the country in April. Compared to the United States, adult use is legal in only some states, such as California and Colorado, and according to a study conducted in 2016, only 13 percent of Americans used weed in the last year, including teens and adults combined.
There are risks to your health when you smoke marijuana. For some people, it causes coordination, memory and thinking problems. Hallucinations are also unpleasant, and the risk of injury can be high for accident-prone users. Mental problems, weed dependence, respiratory failure, and even tooth deterioration are well-known cannabis risks. Fortunately, this guide gives us eight safety tips:
1. Not for Kids
Children younger than 16-years of age should avoid consuming marijuana altogether. Those using it before maturity have more social, educational, and health problems. Although these guidelines are Canadian, the same applies for all of man. Do not use weed without a valid medical reason during your teenage years. Generally, the risk of complications decreases the later a person starts using.
2. Avoid “High Risk” Weed Products
The higher the THC content in cannabis, the higher the likelihood of it being harmful. This is especially true for concentrated marijuana products. THC is the psychoactive ingredient in the cannabis plant. It is responsible for making users high. Some CBDs, such as cannabidiol, balance the effects of THC and counteract the dangers of taking too much. Avoid high THC products or choose ones with plenty CBDs.
3. Stay Away from Synthetics
Synthetic cannabis products are controversial and frankly dangerous. People literally go crazy, harming themselves and others in unmatchable acts of stupidity. Synthetic cannabinoids, sometimes called “Spice” or “K2,” have severe side effects. Death is often one of them. Media coverage of synthetic cannabis users is shocking, with people running naked down the road trying to stop cars, for example.
4. Do Not Smoke Weed
Smoking is naturally bad for your health, even cannabis smoke. Any material that burns creates toxins that are dangerous for your lungs. Lighting marijuana in the traditional way can have severe repercussions for your respiratory health, particularly when mixed with tobacco. Weed edibles bypass the lungs completely, making them much safer for consumption.
5. No Holding Breaths or Inhaling Deeply
For those who will continue to smoke, avoid holding the smoke in as long as possible. Inhaling deeply will just make the risks of smoking inevitable, as it increases a number of toxins your lungs absorb. Vaporizers and e-pens are safer inhalation devices, but they are not entirely risk-free themselves. They work by heating a concentrated oil just enough to release the vapors. Effects are potent, yet healthier.
6. Use Weed Occasionally
Regular cannabis use has a greater association with health problems. Those using it occasionally enjoy the medical benefits of it without endangering themselves. For example, using weed daily can lead to dependence, social disorders, and mental problems. You can reduce risk significantly by using marijuana occasionally, such as weekly or only on weekends.
7. Do Not Operate Heavy Machinery or Drive
Although studies suggest there is no association between car accident rates and marijuana use, we all know that weed makes you stoned. If it is a particularly potent strain, operating heavy machinery becomes dangerous. Do not drive under the influence of marijuana, for your own safety and that of others on the road. Avoid putting yourself in a situation where the risk of injury is high.
8. Know the Risk Factors
Anyone at risk of potential problems from marijuana use should avoid it entirely. Pregnant women should stop taking weed during this time. The guidelines say it could harm the unborn child. Those with a personal or family history of substance use disorders should be wary too, as well as anyone with psychosis in their past. Cannabis is riskier for all of these people.
Cannabis Dispensary in Beverly Hills
It is important to avoid combinations of these risks, such as both starting young and using daily. Concisely, those that use weed recklessly or irresponsibly are at greater risk of health complications. You can order weed delivery in Beverly Hills, in moderation. By adopting these guidelines into your personal life, you can manage your use safely while protecting your mental and physical well-being.